Author: FIRE Belgium Admin Team

Why you should pay yourself less than 45k (to earn more)

Why you should pay yourself less than 45k (to earn more) With Ken Ansoms In this talk, Ken Ansoms, a seasoned digital-native advisor in accounting and tax, explores the surprising strategy of paying yourself less to ultimately earn more. Discover the “sweet spot” for tax-optimal salaries as a business owner and learn how your […]

13 Ways to Take Money Out of Your Company

13 Ways to Take Money Out of your Company By Bryan Prieto-Duran How to attend the next events for company owners in Belgium: Join the Investing as Self Employed in Belgium community Connect with Bryan Prieto-Duran:   / bryanprietoduran   Connect with Sébastien Aguilar:   / sebastienaguilar   As a business owner, optimizing how you take money out of your company […]

How to declare foreign accounts in your Personal Tax return

When you hold a foreign broker account, you must include it each year in your (Belgian) personal income tax return. (Not declaring foreign accounts could lead to fines or tax increases) When you have at least 1 foreign account you have to check the checkbox for code 1075-89, which you can find in Box XIII […]

The 5 things that helped me reach financial independence at 33

I am so blessed with having been able to reach financial independence at 33. Since then, for the past five years, I’ve been able to enjoy life in an almost unimaginable way with my wife and my two kids.  But what made that possible? What did I have that enabled me to build financial freedom […]

How to pick your broker? (investing from Belgium in 2023)

I know an investor who had to pay 70,000 euros in penalty fees because he was investing with the wrong broker. And his portfolio was worth less than 50,000 euros. The broker you pick is a crucial part of your investment strategy. Getting the wrong broker could be very costly. Here are the 4 most […]

I get asked a lot how I managed to reach FI at 33 years old 

Recently, someone I respect a lot, asked me on LinkedIn: “How on earth did you retire at 33??” I know it sounds crazy and I know it shocks people. But it’s true… and the crazy part is that I didn’t do anything extraordinary or insane.  No lottery, no lucky stock or crypto picks, no forex […]

How to invest during bear markets?

This is an extremely important question for any index investor, and any investor in general of course. And this is a very relevant question today because the stock market is down 20% in the US and about 10% globally today compared to the beginning of the year.  Following COVID and now with the war in […]

How to start with Financial Independence?

Alright, if you’re reading this, it means you’re ready to get started! That’s amazing news! But how do you get started on the path to financial independence? When we’re just getting started, it can all feel a bit overwhelming. How do you get there? What do you need to do?  In this article you will […]

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